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Using a nine-volt battery to create an electrical field around a nail, create your own DIY electromagnet.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you wi ...

A vortex is defined as that downward swirling motion regularly observed in nature, often during volatile environmental conditions. A vortex is manifested in different forms, such as tornadoes, whirlpo ...

Thermometers tell us important information, like whether we should bring a parka or swimsuit when we go on vacation! There are two well known temperature scales: Fahrenheit (F for short) and Celsius ( ...

Steam, which is the gaseous version of water, can be used to power trains, lights in buildings, and your very own model boat! Learn how to make a steam powered rocket boat to see Sir Isaac Newton's th ...

Make a DIY hovercraft that can stay afloat using air power.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the content. If you want t ...

Witness the process of how the lungs expand and contract with the help of the diaphragm. Build your own model lungs out of balloons and soda bottles.It is an educational content by cl ...

Periscopes were invented to observe things from a hidden position. They were used to see above water from submarines, in all directions from inside a tank, and above ground from trenches by soldiers d ...

Make a rheostat: A small device that controls the voltage flow by a dial or knob.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the ...

Construct a calorimeter and determine the caloric value of a sample of foods.It is an educational content by clicking on the title of this resource, you will be redirected to the cont ...

This science fair project provides the students with the opportunity to make a model of the backbone, a part of the body all vertebrates possess.In this backbone model,the spools represent the individ ...